
The initial group of Grand Valley State University 学生们和西密歇根的雇主们已经准备好开始一场 创新的工作与学习伙伴关系,提供定制的 学习经验,同时满足眼前和长期的需求 talent demands.

他们是湖人加速人才链的一部分 该项目于今年2月启动,将大峡谷的学生与 这些公司将为你提供更好的实习经历 students. 五家公司加入了合作伙伴关系:Acrisure, 安利,Cascade Engineering, Corewell Health和Michigan Software Labs. GVSU is also an employer partner.

Since the launch, GVSU and employers have worked to match students with their internships. The initial cohort was celebrated at a kickoff event Oct. 30 at the DeVos Center for Interprofessional Health.

"We want to thank the five employer partners who 与我们共同创造了这个改变游戏规则的项目,它将创造更多 GVSU的毕业生准备去商业和工业在 我们社区的关键人才短缺领域,”GVSU说 President Philomena V. Mantella.

作为一所拥有近80%校友的大学 在密歇根州,GVSU在帮助提高大学排名方面处于有利地位 准备充分的员工将帮助推动国家前进, Mantella noted.

站在讲台上的人一边微笑一边做手势. 他们身后的屏幕上显示的数据是22,学生人数超过1000人,90%的毕业生就业或继续深造.
President Philomena V. Mantella offers remarks during a kickoff celebration of the Laker Accelerated Talent Link. Other speakers 包括学生,雇主和詹妮弗·德雷克,学院院长 Liberal Arts and Sciences. Talent Link students are primarily from CLAS.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts

开始帮助雇主和学生的紧迫性 今天是一个中心主题的讲话在开球期间 庆祝活动,其中包括雇主和学生演讲者 表达了他们对人才通将如何惠及他们的乐观态度.

曼特拉还承诺将加速“达人秀”的发展 Link would continue. The inaugural cohort has 21 students; the goal 明年将有100名学生和更多的雇主, she told kickoff celebration attendees.

Enhancements embedded into the Talent Link program 为学生提供创新的学习机会 从合作雇主那里获得工作机会的途径,帮助创造 a talent pipeline. Those enhancements include: earning a certificate 在获得学位后,在与商业或技术相关的领域工作; 来自合作雇主的奖学金支持,如果项目是 毕业后,雇主真诚地提供给你一份工作.

将企业作为教育领域的合作伙伴进行整合是关键 满足当今学生和雇主的需求 the future, Mantella said.

“我们很高兴能与Grand Valley合作 为年轻专业人士提供获得宝贵经验的机会 in the Fintech and financial services sector. As Acrisure continues 为了实现增长,填补空缺职位将继续至关重要 对我们的成功至关重要。 CEO Greg Williams. “This innovative program creates a pipeline of 应聘者的同时也给年轻人才介绍了精彩的内容 career opportunities that Acrisure offers.”

“Amway remains committed to attracting and retaining the best and brightest talent. Nearly 64 years ago, the company 从两名员工开始,这个数字已经增长到超过 全世界有一万四千个人受到鼓舞去帮助我们的 健康企业家和他们的客户生活得更好, 更健康的生活,”安利人力资源副总裁Mike说 Horrigan. “Partnering with GVSU provides us with a unique 有机会培养人才,这将是至关重要的 我们的长期成功就从西密歇根开始.”

Four people stand in a group talking.
学生Sam Frondoso站在讲台上,Nicole DeVries从二开始 没错,两人在庆祝活动中都谈到了他们对 Talent Link program. (Photos by Amanda Pitts)

Students will begin their internships in January. This 学期,他们正在开会为实习做准备 regularly as a group. Here are some reflections from a few of the Talent Link students.

Nicole DeVries, statistics major, working with 创业和攻读应用数据分析证书:

"Connecting with local companies has allowed me to 充分利用我一直在攻读的学位,并激发了我的热情 confidence to use my talents in an impactful way. Getting plugged 加入湖人加速人才链接计划给了我 有机会发现我的激情,并对某事产生影响 bigger than myself. Acrisure has given me the chance as a student to 找到开始我的职业生涯的方向,除了提供一个 奇妙的文化和强大的存在在西密歇根和 global workforce to start my post-grad journey."

山姆·弗朗多索,领导学院综合研究专业 加速学位课程,与Corewell Health和 pursuing a project management certificate:

 “没有什么比产生影响更有意义的了 in someone else's life. The talent link program provides me a unique 有机会成长,获得宝贵的工作经验 像Corewell一样,保持一个积极的学习者和社区成员.”

Ethan Wagner, majoring in writing and psychology, 在安利工作并考取项目管理证书;

"This program is helping me find a more clearly defined career path. I like that Amway is environmentally conscious 这种多样性对他们来说很重要,也是最重要的 employers in West Michigan. And it's great to earn the certificate 与有知识的证书不谋而合 the internship."

