A group of people gather on a blue bridge with a city skyline in the background.

XR中的GR结合了GVSU技术, creative learning for a futuristic 大急流城市中心的景色

Grand Valley showcased what the future could hold for downtown Grand Rapids through a special extended reality event that drew representatives from the university, community leaders and the public.

The September 21 event, GR in XR on the Blue Bridge, was held in 结合 大急流城科技周

Those who attended stopped at stations set up along the Blue Bridge, donned specialized VR headsets and immersed themselves in a futuristic visual representation of what could be ahead for GVSU's Innovation District, the Corewell Health Center for Transformation and Innovation, the expanded Grand Rapids Public Museum and a proposed 大急流城市中心的露天露天剧场.

菲洛梅娜五世总统. 曼特拉准备体验这项技术.

The event also allowed GVSU to feature an effort underway to build 这所大学称之为蓝点生态系统. 在讲话 菲洛梅娜·V·奥巴马总统宣布活动开幕. 曼特拉解释道 the Blue Dot concept expands beyond physical locations on multiple campuses.

"Blue Dot was named as we think about the Earth and its place in the cosmos, which inspires all of us to explore and cherish our 曼特拉说. 作为一个隐喻,它支撑着Grand Valley's vision for a forward-looking ecosystem where technology, creativity, collaboration and the pursuit of a brighter future 无缝融合."

她说蓝点将允许GVSU和西密歇根 "meaningfully intersect so that the opportunity for technology 创新可以推动我们的经济发展.曼特拉补充道 that Grand Valley is committed to preparing students with future-ready 支持这项工作的技能.

Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss said the projects featured during the event show the power of collaboration – what she called the "special ingredient" for the advances Grand Rapids has seen – and the success that comes from leaders who are engaged in the 更大的好.

A person holds their hands on either side of a VR headset while watching images.
Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss tries out the technology.
A person gestures with the hand while speaking at a podium with the Grand Valley logo.
兰迪 Thelen, president and CEO of The Right Place, gave remarks at the event.

"They will be absolutely pivotal in continuing to be a city that attracts talent, a city where all of those awesome Grand Valley graduates want to stay, where they want to start a business, where 他们想要养家糊口. 那将是我们的城市,”布利斯说.

Statewide leaders focused on growing Michigan's population "can 向大急流城和西密歇根学习,”她说.

GVSU collaborated on Tech Week GR with The Right Place, Inc. 兰迪 Thelen, president and CEO of The Right Place, said the work of Grand Valley nurtures the talent of the people who are helping to grow the 技术经济.

The future-looking event on the Blue Bridge was "the perfect way 来体现科技周的意义,”泰伦说. “我们想 bring the community together and talk about people and our talent systems."

A person looks through a VR headset while standing before a screen.
A person wearing a jersey that says "Rockets" and the number 13 looks through a VR headset. 一个人在背后微笑.
Five people gather near a station that has VR technology. 一个人戴着耳机.
Many people took advantage of the opportunity to view the innovative visuals.

The work showcased during the event was led by Julie Goldstein, assistant professor of film and video production, who worked with 学生使用图像来创建未来的观点. 戈尔茨坦说 she was proud of the work by the students, who used reference drawings 为项目创建三维模型.

"I do see it as setting the tone for what our students are 戈尔茨坦说. “我真的希望他们 build their skillsets an employer might see an opportunity here to 雇佣一个学生."

A person gestures with their hand while talking with others.
朱莉·戈尔茨坦(中间)和学生们一起领导了这个项目. 戈尔茨坦说 she was an early adopter of the technology and has incorporated it into her classes since arriving at GVSU at 2017.
Students Ben Stenglein, Andrew Schreur and Shane Belofsky worked intensively on the project.

A core group of three students worked through the summer and as the fall semester started to bring the GR in XR project to fruition: Shane Belofsky, Andrew Schreur和Ben Stenglein. 以下是他们的感想 从项目中解脱出来.

  • Belofsky, a film and video production major: "We were trying 展示我们的工作,并在此过程中学习. 我们学到了不同 software and techniques and tried to imagine the future of GR in a 和我们平时做的不一样."
  • Schreur, a film and video production major: "It gave us an opportunity to work with a lot of industry-standard tools and 专业的设备. 我们用了顶级的电脑 software and got hands-on experience working in the programs we're 我们的余生都将在."
  • Stenglein, a film and video production major: "I learned tons of life lessons as well as getting a sense of what the workplace is like, and getting a sense of what working with clientele is like. I 我认为所有这些都会影响到我的职业生涯. 你还可以看到 how the City of Grand Rapids and other officials are receptive to projects like this and to bringing students in and letting them 创造一些. 这真的很鼓舞人心,让我很自豪 住在这样的城市里."


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